I am a holistic movement, nutrition, life and mindset coach residing in Minnesota with my husband, three children and dog. My list of favorite activities is long, but at the top of it, is ultra-running and mountaineering.

My movement practice is fueled by curiosity and sustained by joy, as are most aspects of my life. The questions of “I wonder if I can____? And “how would it feel if I ____?” propel me ever forward. I am a firm believer that the body is capable of anything one puts their mind to.  I also believe that the mindset in which we move, matters just as much as the movement itself. The manner in which we eat, matters just as much as the food itself. And how we speak to ourselves greatly impacts how we show up in the world. I will not only help you hone your movement practice or reframe your relationship with food, I will also guide you in cultivating a better relationship with yourself.

I am certified in personal training, yoga, general wellness, nutrition, am a Wilderness First Responder, with a Bachelor’s in Psychology from Bethel University and a propensity to deep dive into all things neuroscience and mindfulness. My professional background includes 15 years working within the fitness industry via a variety of modalities and 4 years of online endurance and holistic health coaching. Through these experiences, I have honed an approach to coaching that marries my love of psychology, passion for movement and deep desire for everyone to experience freedom, ease and confidence in mind and body.

Hi, I’m Emily.

If you would like to ask question and find out more, book a free discovery call!

My Story

I’ve always delighted in moving my body and exploring nature via my own two feet (and hands). Oddly enough, I didn’t really pursue the things I now love most, until after I was married and had a few kids. Strange yet perfect timing. Discovering a new passion with each new child allowed me to stay connected to who I am and not get completely lost in sleepless nights and constant nurturing. Through these hobbies, I was able to nurture myself as I nurtured my babies. My hobbies matured right alongside them. And as my mama heart grew, so did my love for myself and the things that made me come alive.

I began rock-climbing in college but didn’t make time for it until my eldest was born.

My love for mountaineering didn’t begin until my second child came.

And I didn’t even know ultra-running was a thing until after my third baby.

All that to say, is it’s never too late to try new things. You’re never too old to take up a new hobby or challenge your body in new ways. Who knows, maybe the thing that will light up the next decade of your life is yet to be discovered. What I do know, is that you are capable of far more than you can imagine and I can help you get there.